We treat in a group setting, which creates a dynamic healing “community” within the clinic.  In Asia, acupuncture traditionally occurs in this type of community setting.  This collective stillness is rare and precious in our rushed and busy society.  We use reclining chairs and treatment tables that are in a peaceful open room, resulting in shared energy that can make individualized treatments more powerful. 

Acupuncture is a process.  Most patients require more than one treatment session in order for acupuncture to be effective.  At your first visit we will recommend a course of treatment for your specific conditions and goals.

Upon arrival, please hang up your coat, remove your shoes, and silence your cell phone before entering the treatment space. Choose a blanket or sheet for covering yourself and any support pillows or bolsters you would like. (We change linens after each patient use.) Please bring your personal belongings with you into the treatment area.  Once we see that you are settled into a chair or treatment table, we will come over to talk to you and treat you.  It takes about 30-40 minutes of resting with needles in place for a treatment to be integrated

Sliding fee structure and Payment:  The charge for treatments at Minneapolis Community Acupuncture Clinic is on a sliding fee scale from $55 to $25 per visit.  You determine what is the most appropriate fee for yourself within that scale, based on your personal financial situation.

There is a one - time $10 intake fee at your first visit in addition to the sliding scale fee. 

The purpose of the sliding fee scale is to separate issues of money and treatment.  We want you to come in often enough to get better and stay better.  We understand that everyone’s situation is different, and our goal is to make acupuncture financially accessible to people with a wide range of resources.  

Please make payment at time of each visit.   Place cash or check payments in your payment envelope which we provide, and deposit it in the payment box on the wall in the entrance area. You can process credit card payments with the receptionist at the front desk. We do not accept virtual payments at this time, and we do not bill any insurances.

Late cancellation policy:  If you need to cancel we appreciate your providing adequate notice so we can offer that opening to another patient.  Please give a 24 hour notice, if possible, when canceling an appointment.  Missed appointments or cancellations with less than 24 hour notice may be charged a $30 fee, which is waived if due to illness, injury, or known COVID exposure.  

We hope you enjoy the clinic and that it becomes an important part of your community.

Thank you for coming to Minneapolis Community Acupuncture!